I hope my answer can help you or other faucets owner to make his faucets better.
Definitely, you are not doing this for me, but for the community.
The faucet users and faucet owners both benefit from it, so thanks in the name of the community.
I did it as well, and shared the link with others. Huge +1 for offering this up. I, despite not having a faucet (at least right now) learned a lot from it. And some of it was unexpected!
One question I think you should add (if you can edit it) is:
Q: If a faucet (has an empty wallet | is empty | has no balance), how long do you wait until you visit it again?
and another:
Q: How many visits to a faucet while it's empty does it take before you write it off altogether?
These are questions I'm personally curious about, because some of the best faucets get emptied on a daily basis. I'm wondering how much that hurts them due to lost visitors (especially since I run a rotator -- it would help better understand how long the community wants me to wait before flagging a site offline).
Well i think faucets need to have atlest 5x-6x more funds on the balance than they actually spend, just in case it gets emptied and then angry fauceters wont go there anymore.
I mean its just basic preparation, if you know you will spend 0.05 daily to finance your faucet, you should have atleast 0.2 there just in case the traffic increases massively to not lose confidence of clients.