I am presenting a "reset" device used for self-resetting of cryptocurrency miners (GPU) based on the PC motherboard under construction. The device can
can also be used wherever there is a PC motherboard with pins corresponding to the power sw output.
Principle of operation:
- The program checks the availability of a suitable host in the local network through a network command of the PING type. When there is no response to the PING command,
the appropriate sequence is executed which turns the computer / server on and off.
- the server must be network connected through the RJ45 connector to the local switch
- the server is additionally connected with a 2-wire low-voltage cable (e.g. telephone). On one side, the cable connects to one of the outputs of the relay module
and on the other, it connects to the server's motherboard directly to the pins with the MB output.
- the user sets the reseter's working parameters via the website
for more information follow this kickstarter link:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/reseter/reseter?ref=project_link&fbclid=IwAR00gKwkrWQdfJ98znWm7OOlNH2GMji6swZDQ1Tf44Sx-JNfT5hfU9ORXBMHmm they use a 20$ dollar relais modul from aliexpress - make a case with 3D printer - and a better userinterface -> for over 230€? To expensive
I built the same resetter myself for $40 - 3 years ago
![Roll Eyes](https://bitcointalk.org/Smileys/default/rolleyes.gif)
such a thing is not needed, and if someone builds such a resetter - the price should be under $80, but only if the user interface is better than the original one
You find this controlable relais boards on aliexpress for example in different sizes with a integrated webinterface to set the relays/restart the rigs.
Here is a relais modul with 16 relais for 16 rigs - if you no how to connect to your rigs.
https://de.aliexpress.com/item/4001135209856.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.291d399acvAE0s&ad_pvid=202211070147081780175363640900031601137_4&s=pI also made some plans for building such device for under 100$ retail price in the past. I created the case, had some plans for better connectors on the relay board side and so on - but I have been no software developer so for the user interface. Maybe we have some good coders here and make a forum project?
Simplemining had the same resetter in the past for resale - but with better connectors and also for over 200$