I'm still curious which Bitcoin accepting humanitarian project the OP was talking about.
I guess I'll comment on the thread as well. If I was truly upset with a company's service, I would try to present my case in a calm, clear manner. Especially if I wanted to influence other people in the process. When someone is basically throwing a tantrum on a public forum, you have to wonder if their ability to communicate might be the root of the problem from the start. If it's not, it certainly doesn't lend credence to their arguments, quite the opposite. This is unfortunate, as they may have a legitimate argument.
I've never used BitInstant, but they have been around for some time and occasionally a thread pops up where someone is dissatisfied. As far as I've seen, this always gets resolved. I understand that businesses are composed of people, and sometimes people make mistakes. What separates good businesses from the bad is their ability to remedy the situation in a timely and acceptable fashion.
It looks like BitInstant has indeed remedied this situation. Unfortunately for them, it doesn't look like the OP has any interest in changing his, now clearly false, thread title.
Well, in the interest of playing devil's advocate for a second, BitInstant issue threads seem to pop up more than "occasionally". When I saw the thread title my first thought was "oh, the daily 'bitinstant scammed me!' thread!"
Yes, they do resolve all issues, but it doesn't alter the occurrence frequency. Now maybe most of these are user/client error (not following the directions, miscommunication, whatever), but wouldn't you think that would prompt BitInstant to either a) improve and/or simplify their process (if there's a way to do that and maintain security while keeping risk low) or b) get more efficient about solving issues when they are reported?
Finally, I agree, dealing with a semi-literate Profanitist like TWatson here (see what I did there, OP? TWAT) can be frustrating and annoying if you take their bullshit and abuse personally. We have to remember that if only smart, reasonable people were able to participate in the BTC community, there'd only be a couple hundred of us, if that. Frankly, if I were Charlie, I'd have exercised my privilege to only do business with people I choose to, and refunded this jackhole's funds and told him to fuck right off and never darken my website with his retardery again. Ban him, flag him, tag him and send his dox out to every other BTC exchange service as a warning to not do business with this KWatson clown. If he wants bitcoins, let him get them for 20-25% over MtGox prices through localbitcoins or some other high-fee service.