Trying to sync latest wallet using the nodes in the conf posted and get stuck at block 479 with the following in the debug log.
Only have the following in the .conf file
Electric version v1.1.0.0-unk-beta (Mar 4 2014, 17:20:02)
Startup time: 05/06/14 22:01:34
Default data directory C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Electric
Used data directory C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Electric
Bound to [::]:9346
Bound to
Loading block index... LogDir=C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Electric\database ErrorFile=C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Electric\db.log
block.GetHash() = 5b3872aae54d4ebedcbfee78fcddceba6b4f71a83be2c88f20f1651e2208a2f8
hashGenesisBlock = 5b3872aae54d4ebedcbfee78fcddceba6b4f71a83be2c88f20f1651e2208a2f8
block.hashMerkleRoot = af656abe167f34bc2613b4317fcdc4fd0e6db52899574acaff90f1e30925d7c3
SetBestChain: new best=5b3872aae54d4ebedcbf height=0 work=1048592 date=01/02/14 10:51:03
block index 82ms
Loading wallet...
nFileVersion = 1010000
wallet 170ms
Loading addresses...
ERROR: CAddrman::Read() : open failed
Invalid or missing peers.dat; recreating
Loaded 0 addresses from peers.dat 0ms
lots of line removed here as looking normal. Until
SetBestChain: new best=b91ba2c9cfe7537effc2 height=478 work=502271983 date=01/02/14 22:03:33
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
received block af1a98ab0a99f8dfab48
SetBestChain: new best=af1a98ab0a99f8dfab48 height=479 work=503320560 date=01/02/14 22:03:33
ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED
received block 68fcb845149e91755c8d
nActualTimespan = 134 before bounds
GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET
nTargetTimespan = 14400 nActualTimespan = 3600
Before: 1e0fffff 00000fffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
After: 1e03ffff 000003ffffc00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
ERROR: AcceptBlock() : incorrect proof of work
ERROR: ProcessBlock() : AcceptBlock FAILED
disconnecting node
Disconnected for misbehavior (score=100)
connection timeout
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=151.8hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=87.5hrs
connection timeout
trying connection lastseen=164.8hrs
No connections after this. Same thing from this IP: Disconnected for misbehavior (score=100)
Deleted all but wallet.dat and electric.conf and same thing happens with same error at block 479
Any suggestions.