Agan sudah dapat berapa btc dari game ini?
Tapi setiap pengen ikut turnamen harus bayar ya
Pengen ikutan main di pro blm terlalu lancar mainnya.
kurang tau jumlah pastinya, mungkin lebih dr 0.5 gan dri pertama kali ane maen, balance skrg 0.076
udah 2 hari gak dpt lawan.
ntah emg gak ada yg maen atau dibatesin player buat saya sama sistemnya.
Gini kata CS nya :
Our systems now automatically identify players for you to compete against that have similar skills. Because you are so good at Coin Flapper, there aren't many other players that have similar skills as you. That is why tournaments may take a while to fill with other players. However, as you have seen, if a tournament doesn't fill out within 24 hours, any entry fees you may have paid are automatically refunded.
As time goes on, more and more players will be at your skill level and the tournaments will fill out faster. Thank you for your patience as we grow our user base.