I was denied my coat by deception...
...but it would have required the use of force if the deception had failed.
Speculation. If the "deception" had failed, perhaps the thief would have run away. You can't assume that he would have robbed you.
Otherwise, why bother to sneaksteal?
Because I like coats, but I don't want to physically harm you?
It's because theft is still the act that initiates the force.
You are confusing theft with robbery.
Initiation of force is not the same as the use of force.
The initiation of force is the start, or beginning, of the use of physical and/or legal coercion, violence, or restraint.
I walked into the restaurant, headed for the coat room as if I had a reason to be there, grabbed your coat, and walked out of the restaurant. When, exactly, did the "physical and/or legal coercion, violence or restraint" start or begin?