I'd just like to ask a question:
What would happen if there was like 1000 people in a room, 1 of them has a tremendous amount of food, 10 of them have enough food to it as they wish and the rest of them are starving?
Well the rest of the people would kill the one with so much food and eat as much as they want.
Why aren't we doing it in our word? The difference between what I said and our world is that it's like a huge room with 7 billions people from which 1 billion has just enough to eat to live correctly and 6 billions have nothing they can rely to. While a few hundreds people have so much we can't even see them belong what they possess.
It would be time to remind them that they "possess" nothing. Not if the rest of the world wants or need it.
because for everyone to "live correctly" according to our standards we would need between 3 and 5 planet earths to sustain them all at that level with all the extra fuel usage and food production that would entail. 7 (soon to be 9) billion people are never going to have a western standard of living and its time everyone accepted that and looked at ways of reducing the population sizes of poor countries.
your 1000 people in a room scenario possibly works if we're just looking at civilised countries but it doesn't work if most of those people are africans and aboriginal central americans with low iqs who keep having more kids than they can support with no idea how to manage their resources in a sustainable way
How narrow minded and false your commentary is
Here is a small link to understand how wrong you are:
http://persquaremile.com/2012/08/08/if-the-worlds-population-lived-like/Problem is just the way of life, not the number of humans. The "low IQs people" as you say, are the only one correctly managing Earth resources, while your incredibly intelligent Americans are consuming 4 times the resources the Earth can provide.
Stop blaming the others for your own incapacity to live in a sustainable way buddy. Assume the fact that you're killing the world in which your children will have to live, you'll be responsible for it, not the Africans.