No Ripple is not a Trojan!
Ripple has plans and sees the benefits in becoming decentralized, ore nodes are planned very soon. They understand that decentralizing too soon leads to the wild west scenario of BTC, where perhaps 1000 people hold 90% of BTC wealth.
Ripple understands that there is no getting around the fact that government is a necessary evil and that anarchy is not a good thing. Working within the system has fared man-kind very well and knowing your customer is a GOOD thing. Unless you are a terrorist or drug dealer who wants to remain anonymous so you can avoid discovery and taxation you have nothing to fear from your government.
Ripple will be one of the few cryptos left standing as soon as regulation and global controls take place this year. Get out of all of the criminal and corrupt cryptos now while you have time.
BTC has become very centralized and that's why all the negative with it now. But ripple is centralized from it's nature, how many people have the most of ripples wealth?