So do you see that Ripple doesn't transfer currencies, only debt?
If you wish to transfer a currency I suggest using a currency that is suitable for this, without the need for any trust, such as Bitcoin BTC.
this is semantics. with ripple, yes, you are transferring debt. and that debt, based on the issuer, has value. given liquidity, there is indeed much value in being able to send and receive in different currencies.
This is NOT semantics.
People are losing their livelihood, their pensions and their wealth due to debt based banking systems. Developing countries are crippled by hyperinflation, leading to poverty and, in some areas, civil war and religious conflict. Bright minds are devoting their lives to working in the legacy debt based banking systems when they could be creating real wealth through advances in agriculture, engineering, medicine etc. Ex pats are unable to send money to their families in Africa, money that would allow the poor to make real investment and spending decisions and plan for the future. The lie of extensive fractional reserve banking only works when there are no other options, but fails when people jump off the hamster wheel and desert the banks and currencies altogether.
Debt based banking rapidly moves towards centralisation, regulation and lack of innovation, as it must as users of these services need their IOUs backed by central government. The alternative is an army of loan sharks.
Bitcoin IS different. The promise and the payment is a real exchange of value that is NOT dependent on regulations, IOUs or trust.
Bitcoin is the Ocean rising up as a Tsunami to the legacy banking system.
Ripple is a water pistol.