I don't think that it's as simple as more heat=more violence, but climate change and destruction of the environment does lead to violence and death.
Those are some good examples you provided there but the thing is they also prove my counter-point, it's the destruction of an environment that leads to violence and death, that's not necessarily directly because of climate change. You can have man made disasters, if I knew enough about how to affect different climates ( I find the stuff boring to be honest so I don't look into it that much ) I could even use it as a weapon against a country, sure, it might not kill everyone off, but it would certainly soften up their armed forces if they got diseased from drinking water etc. then there's all the kinds of things that happen naturally on our own planet, volcano's, hurricanes, tornado's, earthquakes and the millions of bloody insects and bacteria that are quite happy to kill us.
Also, don't take it personally any of you lot
trolling other cultures is a British persons favourite passtime, we can't help it
Well, I don't disagree that destroying an environment has an effect. But harming the environment changes the climate. In the Haiti case, they cut down too many trees. This allowed the hurricanes that have hit them to build up greater strength, as the wind and water were not slowed by the trees. Keep in mind that climate change is not solely a rise in temperature. Weather is part of the "climate" and the Haitians made the weather a lot worse than it should have been.
On a side note, the Dust Bowl is a great example of humans destroying the environment, leading to climate change, and there being a lot of violence, starvation, and crime afterwards. But that was a while ago.
I don't know much about it, but the increased frequency of tornadoes in the US could possibly be due to overfarming, which flattens the land and makes them more likely to happen.
Overall it appears that this is what happens: Destruction of the natural environment ----> climate change (weather or temperature) ------> destruction of human environment -------> Looting, rape, and all the other great stuff that comes with "natural" disasters.