Now is the time erryone should change their faulty core wallet with Bitcoin Unlimited or Bitcoin Classic, because clearly this accelerates the price rise.
This price rise is the result of the sheer world-wide demand, not beceause of BU
Dont tell me you're one of those BU idiots who thinks that Bitcoin will be fine and ready for mainstream with 2mb blocks..I dont know how many time i've told them; Bitcoin cannot go mainstream with only bigger blocks! 1GIG+ blocks are needed for a good shot for mainstream. The internet cannot handle that kind of blocks!
Segwit sucks, Segwit is bad etc are comming for those BU noobs who doesnt know that the majority of the Bitcoin ecosystem prefers Segwit for obvious reasons. Bitcoin needs extra layers/side-chains to go mainstream and they prefer Segwit because it's more solid and secure. btw my Trezor hardware wallet loves Segwit more than BU, think about it..
BU is just a short term fix nothing more, you know what happen to the network when we get 2-5 times the influx of new people then what..blame Trump?
Please educate yourself about the essentials of Bitcoin Unlimited. You are deceived by misinformation.
Wrong, the ones deceived are the idiots supporting BUllshit. Everyone with technical knowledge is supporting Segwit. Hell, even Gavin supports segwit.
You have been another victim of the Roger Ver propaganda machine. Get wise.