No worries, the usage documentation is sent to the buyer which makes it easy for beginners to use.
The demo you see is a minimal chart model and you can sync with any template using the CSS code changes.
So if I decide to buy I will get all the necessary files and "how-to" guides then I can install by myself?
New !!!Run a Premium Chart Crypto System.
Coin page layout
Search system
Rank system
Compare coin
Site widgets
Exchanges list
24H performance sparkline chart
Language support
page manager
Ads system
Check demo :
http://live.banibit.irAdmin :
[email protected]Pass:
[email protected](This product is licensed and may not be sold ) Now it looks much better. Your script does not use Coinmarketcap API, but there is a much different rank. For example XRP vs. ETH. Can you explain why such a difference?
and on CMC
Yes , Premium script have a installer without requirement knowledge coding.
API's On Premium Version API for Crypto price (Not Coin market cap) for rate for detect country .
Check demo :
https://live.banibit.irOrder on my Gig:
Hi dear developer ,
I am a web designer and I liked this product.
I have a few questions before ordering,
Do you sell as a source?
Need to pay for getting API?
Thanks ,
Do you sell as a source? Yes (You cannot sell another one for regular license)
Need to pay for getting API? No , This is free