Both of them suck to be honest
Centoshi sucks slightly less that's all
some other suggestions that atleast have bitcoin relevance are
gav ( to honour gavin andresen )
alp ( to honour alpaca socks (first legit bitcoin business))
silk (to honour sikroad (first non legit business))
piz (blah blah 'bitcoin pizza')
but zib just looks alien and has no bitcoin relevance. but on par with 'zib' we have 'bit' (both being known as a binary measure) but atleast bit sounds more bitcoin related
centoshi - cent is 100 parts of a larger item centipede's are actually measure in their body segments of a whole organism
so hectoshi is 100 whole units, not parts thus hectoshi is more of a correct term. and is a bottom up (0 to 100) term which most common people can deal with easily, compared to ubtc which is top down (many 0 decimals)
1. Bit has not won. The fact that you are trying to silence the opposition makes it clear that you are scared that a superior alternative will emerge. Which is rather silly... since I really doubt that you have anything personally invested in the name.
2. You've never heard of centuries or centipedes? I suppose such ignorance is to be expected from someone who wants 256-bit encryption to mean something different than it does now.
but in the end with all the bickering about topdown bottomup, zib vs bit, hecto vs cento what is boils down to, what will common man call 100satoshi
EG centoshi, would be abbreviated to cent... = confusion
hectoshi would be abbreviated to hects.. = less confusing
ubit will be abbreviated to bit.. = though its used for others terms, its bitcoin related
zib = alien, no relation and used for other terms
i am not advocating any one all i am saying is that atleast 400 out of 500 have already chosen bit over alot of names. so making new polls every day is just the OP of those posts not accepting the majority vote of 500 people, ignoring the favourite and simply making new polls until he finally gets a poll that is biased in his favour
what would actually be more fair to the community is not another poll today or tomorrow. but a new topic where people can submit a whole host of varying names.. then have it announced that in a month/2 months time (a fair length of time to get a decent amount of suggestions) and then do the poll with ALL suggestions in one place. rather then 10 polls a week with biased and limited chioces