“Dmitri hates Enriques loud keyboard but loves b1tc0in!Dmitri hates Enriques loud keyboard but loves b1tc0in!”
I thought might as well share it since only 2 days and hopefully someone will crack it from bitcointalk my brain and fingers are killing me. If you feeling generous :
Probably wrong since this also pulls up a password prompt:!
In fact, remove any amount of characters from the end up until the first exclamation mark and it will prompt for a password.
I wouldn't bet on that mate....
Dmitri Nancy Enrique
Dmitri Enrique Nancy
Both count as the same on the contest submission.
Anything else doesn't work
(weird? is that a bug?)
Apart from that I have lost MANY wallets due to the fact that I knew that brainwallets are case sensitive.
This is not the issue here. There is no case sensitivity.
Anything you submit, you have to submit: Title Case, Sentence Case, Lower Case, Capital Case.
Then again, what we see is e.g: SUPERCAliFRAGiliStiCEXPiAliDOCiOUS X3 yet the answer was: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious X3
Also we have received clues which were NOT present in the video, and were in fact solutions.
Yeah, this is a game like I haven't played before......
EDIT: Btw, your link brings me to a wallet addres: 1CK1Lu6EYZAWYGN25VSigw8LJvk7XHBNsG
How did you find "Dmitri Enrique Nancy" ?
It is not a bug and I think it is the answer to wallet #28
Another annoying thing about this game is that it doesn't tell us which # we've solved once it's claimed. Good find, though -- we didn't have that one yet.
What do you mean?
If you have claimed a wallet then just check the wallets to see what went where!