If we leave all those percentages aside, do you think that it is positive that 2/3 of the miners are positioned in only 3 countries, and more than 1/3 in the US? Also, energy sources in all three countries are pretty dirty (especially in Kazakhstan), so I wonder what we've achieved with mining moving outside China - maybe some US investors are sleeping more peacefully now that they know the evil Chinese won't steal their Bitcoin?
For the percentage, highly possible.
I know for a fact that the
few companies to release information about their finances in the US had somewhere in June at last 16 exa with a total order of 20 till the end of the year and 70 exa for the next. On top of those numbers add riot and blockstearm which might be the biggest players who are not saying how much they own.
And that is just the big guys, and the ones publishing stuff, we could easily double or triple those numbers, especially since more and more are getting gear.
On top of that, every single company was only mentioning new gear purchases, so again more to add.
I think at this point 30% would be a total understatement.
As for the dirty stuff, when bitcoin was mined in China it was mined with hydropower when China banned mining suddenly everyone said it was done with coal so the ban is good. The same poeple say now that Bitcoin got cleaner because it's mined in the US with renewables, pretty sure if the US bans mining too will say it's good for bitcoins in the US to use only coal and oil.Also, the ban will be good because the US can't centralize bitcoin anymore