
Topic: Russian Defence Ministry summed up results of Russian Aerospace Forces activity (Read 1833 times)

Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
As soon as Russian pilot was safe, Russian bombers and reactive artillery of the Syrian governmental forces have conducted massive airstrikes in the area for a long period of time. The terrorists operating in this zone and other mysterious groups were eliminated.

As a result of concentrated Russian airstrikes against militants, the Syrian governmental troops acquired full control over the mountainous areas in the northern part of the Latakia province. This completely blocked the cross-border deliveries of armaments, ammunition and materiel to the terrorists in this area.

Moreover, the Russian aviation controls all main routes, which had been used for supplying the ISIS terrorist groups with weapons, ammunition and materiel in other regions in the north of Syria.

Good. All USNATO/Turkey did was to hasten the process of ISIS extermination and establishment of a no-fly zone, which Russia was reluctant to do (going along with USA's requests) before the murder of the Russian pilots.

And the addition of "other mysterious groups" is simply brilliant.

I like the complete transparency of the Russian operation, and its openness to public scrutiny. It reminds me of the televised "daily SCRUMs" in the news, which the President and the government do to report to the public what was done in the internal affairs of the county, which meetings were conducted and which decisions were taken.
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation : More
Russian Defence Ministry summed up results of Russian Aerospace Forces activity in Syria on November 23-26

Buring the night of November 24-25, the mission on rescuing the pilot the Russian Su-24 bomber downed by a Turkish fighter aircraft over the territory of Syria continued for 12 hours.

All details of the operation cannot be disclosed due to obvious reasons. However, it should be emphasized that along with the Russian search-and-rescue group, militants and a number of other units equipped with special purpose locators were also conducting active search for the Russian pilot in that area.

As soon as Russian pilot was safe, Russian bombers and reactive artillery of the Syrian governmental forces have conducted massive airstrikes in the area for a long period of time. The terrorists operating in this zone and other mysterious groups were eliminated.

As a result of concentrated Russian airstrikes against militants, the Syrian governmental troops acquired full control over the mountainous areas in the northern part of the Latakia province. This completely blocked the cross-border deliveries of armaments, ammunition and materiel to the terrorists in this area.

Moreover, the Russian aviation controls all main routes, which had been used for supplying the ISIS terrorist groups with weapons, ammunition and materiel in other regions in the north of Syria.

Yesterday the Russian military attaché in Turkey visited the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces to receive recordings of the alleged radio talks between the crew of the Turkish F-16 fighter and the pilots of the Russian Su-24 bomber on November 23.

Russian military representative was informed that there was no possibility to hand over the materials concerning the attack of the Turkish F-16 fighter on the Russian aircraft on November 23.

Moreover, representatives of the Turkish General Staff stated that they had not published any of those materials in the media.

In that case, it is another proof that the audio recordings of the radio talks between the Turkish pilots and the Russian crew, which came up in certain media today, constitute a habitual fake. Again, they are referring to unspecified sources or other radio enthusiasts.

Messages of some foreign media concerning the alleged engagement of a column of trucks of a “humanitarian convoy” from Turkey near the border-crossing point Bab Al-Salam by the Russian aircraft are also nothing but stovepiping.

It is to be stressed that the photos and videos published in the Internet:

    first, do not show any craters of exploded munitions;
    second, do not feature any fragmentations, which could damage all the trucks, as a result of strikes.
    finally, there are no remains of the mere munitions.

That is why they are advised not to pose convoys with ammunition for militants active to the north of Aleppo as “humanitarian help”.

By the way, the Turkish party had not given any notice concerning delivering of any humanitarian convoy in this area. Aside from the fact that any humanitarian convoy is specially marked.

Today, according to the earlier decision, all the active channels of cooperation between the Russian Defence Ministry and the Turkish Armed Forces have been closed. That relates to the so-called “hotline”, which had been arranged for prevention of incidents in the air during elimination of terrorist infrastructures in Syria. The official representative of the Russian Navy in Turkey on coordination of activities of the Black Sea Fleet and the Turkish Navy was recalled.

Today, in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces, an AA missile complex S-400 was delivered, deployed and put on combat duty at the Hmeymim airbase in Syria.

The reaction of the American party on these actions is surprising. In particular, officials in the US Embassy in Moscow claimed that (quote): “the deployment of these systems will further complicate the already difficult situation in the skies over Syria”.

By the end of Tuesday, the Russian Ministry of Defence had mainly shared that opinion being sure that the Russian aircraft making strikes on the ISIS were secured from attacks of the so-called anti-ISIS coalition led by the USA.

Now the Russian Ministry of defence will ensure the safety of the aircraft of the Russian air group during actions against the terrorists of the ISIS and other terrorist groupings using more reliable methods.

It is worth to be reminded, that starting from 10:00, November 25, the Moskva Guards missile cruiser has started performing combat tasks on air defence of the Russian base having arrived in the assigned area of the Latakia shore zone.

In the course of the last three days, the Russian air group has continued conducting target reconnaissance and performing strikes on separate objects of terrorist groups active in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic.

On November 23-26, aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces performed 134 combat sorties engaging 449 objects in the Aleppo, Damascus, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Raqqah and Deir-ez-Zor provinces.

In the suburbs of Al-Qaryatayn (Homs province), a Su-24M bomber destroyed an ISIS underground ammunition depot. Direct hit of an OFAB-250-270 air bomb and further detonation of explosives caused complete destruction of the object.

Near Zaytan (Idlib province), a Su-25 wing carried out a strike on concentration of militants of the Jabhat al-Nusra grouping. Direct hits of air bombs eliminated a tank, two armored vehicles, and three cars equipped with mortars. The enemy suffered heavy losses in manpower.

The Russian aviation continues performing strikes on oil processing facilities located in the ISIS-controlled territories.

Thus, on November 24, a Su-34 bomber carried out strikes on columns of oil trucks, oil processing and storage objects located near oil-bearing areas in the north and east of Syria (Deir-ez-Zor and Raqqah provinces).

According to avialable data, armed groups of islamists, which had been blocked near Talbiseh and al-Rastan (Homs province), continue suffering losses caused by strikes of the Russian aviation. Militants retreated by 4-6 kilometers at the direction of Mahin, Al-Qaryatayn.

Today, using the objective monitoring data, the Russian Defence Ministry demonstrates results of strikes on terrorist facilities carried out by the Russian aviation.
S-400 AA missile system has been put on air defence combat duty at the Hmeymim airbase
Guards missile cruiser Moskva arrived to the shore zone of Latakia for air defence of the region
Airstrike on an ISIS large oil storage facility near Raqqah
Results of an airstrike against an ISIS oil transfer centre to the south-east of Raqqah
Engagement of a fortified militants' position near Damascus
Elimination of a militants' oil transfer centre to the south-west of Raqqah
Strikes of the Russian aviation and multiple launch rocket systems of the Syrian governmental forces on a militants' large fortified area (‎Latakia province)
Objective monitoring data showing the strikes of the Russian aviation on a militants' camp in the ‎Raqqah province
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
S-400 in Syria

S-400 AA missile system has been put on air defence combat duty at the Hmeymim airbase
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Military and police protection of home from terrorists.

Moscow to deploy #S400 defense missile system to #Khmeimim airbase in #Syria 
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Wrap-up: 9 quick facts about Russian Su-24 jet downed by Turkish Air Force 
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Russian missile cruiser off Latakia coast, ready to destroy dangerous air targets - MoD 
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Turkish  side lie and giving out fake facts.


World | Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:35am EST
Related: World
Turkey, Russia foreign ministers may meet next week in Belgrade - Turkish official

Turkey's foreign minister and his Russian counterpart agreed during a phone call on Wednesday that they could meet in Belgrade next week, a Turkish government official said, after Turkey shot down a Russian jet near the Turkish border.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who canceled a trip to Istanbul scheduled for Wednesday, said Russia viewed the downing as a planned act and Moscow would "seriously reconsider" its relations with Ankara.

The meeting is expected to take place at the OSCE Ministerial Council in Belgrade, Serbia, on 3-4 December.

(Reporting by Tulay Karadeniz; Writing by Ece Toksabay; editing by David Dolan)
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Activity: 406
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Downing of Russian Su-24 looks like a planned provocation - Lavrov

The downing of a Russian warplane in Syria by Turkey appears to be a pre-planned provocation, the Russian Foreign Minister said. Ankara failed to communicate with Russia over the incident, he added.

“We have serious doubts that this act was unintentional. It looks very much like a preplanned provocation,” Lavrov said, citing Turkey’s failure to maintain proper communication with Russia, the abundance of footage of the incident and other evidence.

Lavrov added that many Russian partners called the incident “an obvious ambush.”

Earlier in the day, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu slammed Russia for "attacks on Turkmen" in Syria, which according to Ankara preceded the incident with the downed Su-24.

The Russian FM said the region where the incident happened is not just home to Turkmen people. There are also hundreds of foreign fighters affiliated with known terrorist groups and elements of their infrastructure such as weapons depots and command points there, he said.

“I asked [Turkish FM Çavuşoğlu] whether Turkey’s close attention to this region, including the calls to create a buffer zone there, was motivated by a desire to protect this infrastructure from destruction. I didn’t receive any reply to this question,” Lavrov said.

He added the downing of the Russian warplane occurred shortly after a series of airstrikes on terrorist oil convoys and facilities by the Russian Air Force. The incident “sheds new light” on the issue, according to the Russian foreign minister.

The Russian diplomat criticized NATO for failing to express condolences to Russia over the loss of its troops lives.

“Very strange statements were voiced after a NATO meeting called by the Turks, which didn’t express any regret or condolences and in effect were aimed at covering up what the Turkish Air Force did yesterday,” Lavrov said. “A similar reaction came from the European Union.”

Lavrov reiterated the statements of the Russian Defense Ministry, which denied Ankara’s allegations that the Russian warplane had violated Turkish airspace.

He added that even if Turkey’s words were taken on face value, its actions contradict its own position expressed in 2012, after Syria took down a Turkish military plane. At the time, then-Prime Minister Erdogan told the Turkish parliament that a short incursion into another nation’s airspace cannot justify an attack on it.

Russia’s relations with Syria will change after the attack on the Russian plane, Lavrov said, adding that Turkey, which is now calling for dialogue, should have done more to communicate with Russia prior to and right after the incident.

Moscow will measure its response to limit the harm done to Turkish and Russian businessmen, who had nothing to do with the incident, and would decide on a proper action, Lavrov said.

“We cannot fail to react to what happened. Not because we must retaliate. It’s just that there are too many issues in Turkey that pose a direct terrorist threat to our citizens. And not only ours,” he said.

Lavrov said after canceling his planned visit to Istanbul that Moscow doesn’t indent to send any senior officials to Turkey or receive any senior Turkish officials. At the same time, phone channels remain open, as evidenced by the call with Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu.

The Russian minister said there was a question of American involvement in the downing of the Russian plane. According to his sources, the US demands all members of the anti-IS coalition led by Washington, who use US-made military aircraft, coordinate all deployments with the US military.

“I wonder if this demand of the Americans covers… Turkey. If it does, I wonder whether Turkey asked permission from the US to fly its US-made planes and take down – let’s say 'an unidentified' – plane over Syrian territory,” Lavrov said.

The senior Russian diplomat said the problems at the Turkish-Syrian border could be solved by simply closing it, as suggested by French President Francois Hollande during his meeting with US President Barack Obama in Washington.

“President Hollande suggested measures to close the Turkish-Syrian border to stop the flow of militants and finances to terrorists. It’s remarkable that President Obama didn’t react to it. I believe it’s a good suggestion and that during the visit tomorrow President Hollande will tell us details. We are prepared to consider these measures in earnest. Many people say that sealing the border would effectively eliminate the terrorist threat in Syria,” Lavrov said.
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
The location of impact is under heawy bombardment today with multiple metods of bombing.
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250

Bыживший лeтчик Cy-24 нaмepeн пocлe пoпpaвки oтoмcтить зa кoмaндиpa
Штypмaн cбитoгo бoмбapдиpoвщикa paccкaзaл пoдpoбнocти инцидeнтa.

Cпaceнный пocлe кpyшeния Cy-24 в Cиpии штypмaн Кoнcтaнтин Mypaxтин зaявил, чтo пocлe тoгo, кaк пoпpaвитcя, нaмepeн пpocитьcя oбpaтнo нa бaзy Xмeймим в Cиpии. Кaпитaн cчитaeт, чтo нyжнo «вepнyть дoлжoк» зa кoмaндиpa - пoдпoлкoвникa Oлeгa Пeшкoвa, кoтopый был пилoтoм cбитoгo бoмбapдиpoвщикa и пoгиб пocлe кaтaпyльтиpoвaния. Eгo paccтpeляли бoeвики вo вpeмя пpыжкa c пapaшютoм.

- C нeтepпeниeм ждy, кoгдa выпишyт, чтoбы cpaзy вepнyтьcя в cтpoй. Бyдy пpocить кoмaндoвaниe, чтoбы мeня ocтaвили нa дaннoй aвиaбaзe. Я oбязaн вepнyть дoлжoк зa кoмaндиpa, - cкaзaл лeтчик.

Mypaxтин cooбщил, чтo чyвcтвyeт ceбя xopoшo. Oн пoблaгoдapил мeдикoв.
Пo пoвoдy инцидeнтa paccкaзaл, чтo тypeцкиe лeтчики нa F-16 нe пpeдyпpeждaли poccийcкий экипaж o пpиближeнии к тypeцкoй гpaницe, кaк oб этoм ceйчac зaявляeт Aнкapa. Бoлee тoгo, штypмaн зaвepил, чтo мecтнocть xopoшo знaeт и oтклoнeний в пoлeтe нa тeppитopию Typции нe былo.

- Heт, этo иcключeнo, дaжe нa oднy ceкyндy, тeм бoлee, чтo мы лeтeли нa выcoтe oкoлo 6 тыcяч мeтpoв, пoгoдa былa яcнaя, кaк y нac в нaшeм cлeнгe гoвopитcя, «миллиoн нa миллиoн». Becь нaш пoлeт дo мoмeнтa взpывa paкeты пoлнocтью мнoй кoнтpoлиpoвaлcя. Я пpeкpacнo видeл и пo кapтe, и нa мecтнocти, и гдe гpaницa, и гдe нaxoдимcя мы. Дaжe yгpoзы выxoдa в Typцию нe былo, - paccкaзaл штypмaн.

- Ha caмoм дeлe никaкиx пpeдyпpeждeний нe былo. Hи пo paдиooбмeнy, ни визyaльнo. Booбщe нe былo кoнтaктa. Пoэтoмy мы зaxoдили нa бoeвoй кypc в штaтнoм peжимe. Hyжнo пoнимaть, кaкaя cкopocть y бoмбapдиpoвщикa, и кaкaя y иcтpeбитeля F16. Ecли бы нac xoтeли пpeдyпpeдить, тo мoгли бы пoкaзaть ceбя, вcтaв нa пapaллeльный кypc. A тaк ничeгo нe былo. Дa и paкeтa пpишлa в xвocт нaшeгo caмoлeтa внeзaпнo. Mы дaжe визyaльнo ee нe нaблюдaли, чтoбы ycпeть cдeлaть пpoтивopaкeтный мaнeвp, - cooбщил Кoнcтaнтин Mypaxтин.

Russian crew of shot bomber claim no interception from NATO plane and no visual contact with slow flying bomber.
He will combat again on the same airport base.
There was a perfect visibility of Earth and he know perfectly disposition of turkish border, and give 0 possibility to fly over Turkey.
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250

°Russian citizens must not entry in Turkey to not be a victim object of reaction on actions of Russian Federation against Turkey in next period.°
Mr. Putin
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
A Hot news - Turkey shot Russian bomber for SELF DEFENCE. - U.S. Department of State
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Russia's military general staff says that one of the pilots of the Su-24 warplane that was shot down by Turkey was killed by groundfire as he parachuted from his crippled plane.

Russian news agencies reported the statement Tuesday by general staff spokesman Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi, who also said that rebels in Syria fired on a Russian helicopter that was searching for the two pilots of the Su-24.

He said that shooting killed one crew member on the Mi-8 helicopter and forced it to land in neutral territory. The rest of the crew was evacuated.

Rudskoi also said that Russian radar data showed that Turkish warplanes had violated Syrian airspace in the course of shooting down the Russian plane.
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
Ah, you are right! I asked someone I know who is in the loop and she/he said that the YPG is no longer on the list because they were not using the few TOWs they received responsibly.

The YPG were the only group which was using the TOW "responsibly". By "responsibly", I mean using them against the ISIS, rather than attacking the secular regime forces. Right now, the YPG is having some sort of an understanding with the regime forces, and they are not fighting each other. That was probably the reason why they were excluded from the list.
I was told they lost their TOWs when they threatened to use them against Turkey. There was also concern about using them against Russian targets. A lot of the rebel groups are complaining that Russia is only bombing moderate groups on the road to Aleppo. Increasingly they want to attack Russian interests.

If I were advising the Russian forces I would do the same. Why attack DAESH when plenty of other forces are already doing that? Besides, sharing the same battlespace with other forces is dangerous and could lead to an unwanted exchange. 

But here is a nasty problem that all the air powers share. The lack of targets. Both western and SAA aligned warplanes boast about how many DAESH oil tankers they have destroyed. However they are not DAESH oil tankers. I spoke with some of the drivers of these oil trucks earlier in the year. The ones I met with were transporting Syrian oil by way of Iraq. These guys were smugglers, not terrorists. They buy the oil from a guy who bought it from another guy who bought it from DAESH. This is why the US starts it's attacks by dropping leaflets that say "Get away from your trucks, they are about to be destroyed." Then they strafe the area nearby as a last warning. Then they let them have it.
The trucks were the last easy targets and it gets tougher now.

If Turkey wants to provide air defense for ISIS, methinks they are going to have a difficult road ahead.

That's what this is actually about, not the accusations of border incursions by one side or the other.

And yes, air power by itself is of limited use.  First, engage the enemy as far as possible a large group of them.  Then bring in air support.  This is the classical scenario against which the insurgent defends by embedding his troops among women, children, mosques, blah blah blah.

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
I was told they lost their TOWs when they threatened to use them against Turkey. There was also concern about using them against Russian targets. A lot of the rebel groups are complaining that Russia is only bombing moderate groups on the road to Aleppo. Increasingly they want to attack Russian interests. 

The Russians are having good relations with the YPG and PKK, and the contacts were established even before the Syrian civil war. From the 1980s onward, Russia has remained as one of the most important weapons suppliers for the PKK. Also, the Russians have never targeted the YPG in any of their air strikes. So there is hardly any chance of the YPG using their TOWs against the Russians.
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Activity: 406
Merit: 250
Why attack DAESH when

Russian M.oD.
has just ask about proofs of similar "wrog targets", but still waiting on them.
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1147
The revolution will be monetized!
Ah, you are right! I asked someone I know who is in the loop and she/he said that the YPG is no longer on the list because they were not using the few TOWs they received responsibly.

The YPG were the only group which was using the TOW "responsibly". By "responsibly", I mean using them against the ISIS, rather than attacking the secular regime forces. Right now, the YPG is having some sort of an understanding with the regime forces, and they are not fighting each other. That was probably the reason why they were excluded from the list.
I was told they lost their TOWs when they threatened to use them against Turkey. There was also concern about using them against Russian targets. A lot of the rebel groups are complaining that Russia is only bombing moderate groups on the road to Aleppo. Increasingly they want to attack Russian interests.

If I were advising the Russian forces I would do the same. Why attack DAESH when plenty of other forces are already doing that? Besides, sharing the same battlespace with other forces is dangerous and could lead to an unwanted exchange. 

But here is a nasty problem that all the air powers share. The lack of targets. Both western and SAA aligned warplanes boast about how many DAESH oil tankers they have destroyed. However they are not DAESH oil tankers. I spoke with some of the drivers of these oil trucks earlier in the year. The ones I met with were transporting Syrian oil by way of Iraq. These guys were smugglers, not terrorists. They buy the oil from a guy who bought it from another guy who bought it from DAESH. This is why the US starts it's attacks by dropping leaflets that say "Get away from your trucks, they are about to be destroyed." Then they strafe the area nearby as a last warning. Then they let them have it.
The trucks were the last easy targets and it gets tougher now.
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