They claim this system effectively uses artificial intelligence to reduce anonymity of transactions in blockchains like Bitcoin, Ether, Omni, Dash and Monero.
In essense, the system enables blockchain analysts "to track the movement of digital financial assets and identify crypto service providers to fight illicit activity related to digital assets".
What do you think? Should we be worried?
Speaking of Russia corruption level which is well know and I dont think people will trust them but I'm sure the device they created to target bitcoin transactions.
Since they haven't delivered yet, this also might be a way to milk some "blockchain security" investors) And disclosing such initiative prior exploiting the advantage? But it also could be just a basic crawler sniffing overlaps thro ISP data: ie almost all Eth wallets are web based, so every ISP is already in possession of the record of every wallet address and the IP it was requested from (you dont see many security specialists on eth ahahah). Put some meta from CEX and you don't even need AI you likely gonna fail to tame before it backfires in your face) 🍻