I guess this is just part of the evolving technology, it's pretty new still so there is a lot of loopholes that hackers can simply breach any time. So I would say give it a time to mature, as it goes, maybe those gaps in the security can be patch, no system is perfect. With that said, maybe we can see in a future a blockchain that better design because of the said attacks. Sometimes it's good to have this as it can vastly improved as time goes by.
Of course, this is part of the 'growing pains', they tested, it failed, then back to drawing board and improved the system.
And people still say that blockchain is good because it's more secure than "legacy" systems. Blockchain is just a programming pattern, and programmers who implement it can absolutely screw it all up like it happened many times. Even Bitcoin had some pretty big bugs, but luckily not anymore. In fact, blockchains can in general be less secure, speaking of centralized blockchains, because this field is still new, while classic data systems have decades of experience and best practices.
Because it's the buzz word in the last 3-5 years and everyone thought that it is the perfect solution specially for the voting process. It will really take years before we perfected this system in the electoral. And now that this news comes out, I'm sure there will be negative impact as our data are being sold in the dark market.