I am very saddened how these innocent Russians being treated in Europe. Is it a crime to be born Russian?
Europe should get its shit together and end their fascism against the Russians once and for all.
I have Russian friends, Georgian friends and Ukrainian friends. The "Russophobia" does not exist, is an invention of the Kremlin propagandists to justify their un-justifiable aggression. The world is not against Russians, it is against an illegal war waged by the current government and military ranks of the Russian Federation.
In war times, the enemy is the enemy and it is unclear who can potentially be a spy, so actors and others may of course be banned.
RE fascism and Europe, poverty attracts simple and wrong solutions to complex problems. Fascism is a simple and wrong solution that comes when people are disappointed with democracy.
If people come to your country to kill, you will hate the killers. The Russians came to the Caucasus and for 40 years killed the local peoples. Some have disappeared altogether. The same was true in Siberia and Turkistan. The conquered Russian peoples were deprived of their language, culture, Russification was going on. Today, the Russians returned to Ukraine with the same goal, declaring that the Ukrainian people do not exist, that the inhabitants of Ukraine are Russians.
It exists in this thread. Have you seen these 2 guys' posts?
This one says most Russians are violent and only bring misery.
Fear of Russian genocidal maniacs is perfectly rational.
The vast majority of Russians are violent and aggressive. They hate Europeans and Americans.
Their culture consists of drinking, swearing, stealing, and most of all LYING.
Russkiy Mir only brings misery.
Read the other dude:
Why would all the Russians deserve to be deported? Just because they are Russians? Where is the common sense in that?
Now tell me these guys ain't Russophobes. They are indeed.
Or are you telling me... these guys are Kremlin propagandists acting like Russophobes?
Maybe you are onto something. Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if these 2 guys are hardcore Russians.
The last time Europe went full Hitler no good thing happened to them. Hopefully it won't happen again.
I have a friend that hates ducks, but that does not make "duckophobia" more real than Santa Claus.
There will always be racism and fascism, but there is no threat to the Russian culture, traditions or any other expression that could be classed as "Russian". Please, be all very aware of the current RF government trying to appear to be a defender of "values", they are not, they are just criminals. The divide is artificial and voiced by a government that need their population to hate others to hide their own ineptitude. A classic tactic - if things go poorly at home, look for an enemy outside.
A clear proof that the government is not concerned with Russophobia is the war itself - unless they believe that people will love them for killing others.