i'm not sure about the last step (install zope interface)...
-first aff all i have founded only the amd64 file.. and i have an intel i7 processor on this windows machine (this could be a problem? i see theese architectures are similar so..)
-Then: i don't understand exactly where do i have to put ez-setup.py and zopeinterface.egg files....?
when i run (execute) ez-setup.py, in a directory in my desktop with zopeblabla.egg, then i go on python scripts folder and wha do i do??
i execute easyinstall.exe and than?
do i have to use python shell??
can you explain better this last point?? thanks
1) Just use the amd64 version, unless you use 32 bit windows.
2) Have you just installed the Windows package, not just downloaded the pywallet.py?
That would save you tons of problems by not having to deal with the dependencies.
Download https://github.com/downloads/jackjack-jj/pywallet/PWI_0.0.3.exe (SHA256: 645a4d092733ad6685de730a38b210c6594e44a15690a87a231859477deca316)
Run it
Click about a thousand times on Yes/Next/I Agree/OK
After that, download joric's pywallet.py at
https://github.com/joric/pywalletThrow that inside C:\python27
Make a .bat file, and put:
C:\Python27\python.exe pywallet.py --dumpwallet --password=FILLYOURPASSWORD
inside. Remember to put your wallet password to replace FILLYOURPASSWORD, and add:
if your wallet.dat isn't at the regular place. Replace DATADIR with the location.
Your wallet should be dumped with JSON format, then you can import it to blockchain.info/wallet (easiest) or Armory and other clients.