UPDATEThe project is starting to grow bit-by-bit and it needs to be updated here, I'll try to keep the forum up to speed, but for your daily fix on this project, head to one of the links below where I update on development progress and try to share as much as I can.
I have to admit seeing donations coming in
while working on the bitcoin wallet is awesome! And it makes me wish that I could work on this project 24/7, thanks to everyone pitching in!
Important stuff:
Address for donations:
1Cm554iqhU9dLnZsi2LA5s1b576DdfM1GMBitcoin Time Capsule donations address:
1Hhvei8iQabcb4Jqap78XmPG79YS3mAuE8 *See below
http://bitcoin.gridct.com/Development blog:
http://bitco.tumblr.com/Source code:
https://github.com/elis/bitcoin-walletMy Google+ Profile:
http://profiles.google.com/Eli.SklarBitcoin Time Capsule BTC DonationsBecause this client is primarily developed to bring in lay people to Bitcoin I've came up with this idea of Time Capsule Donations; 50% of every donation above 1Ƀ will not be used in the project, but rather saved in a safe place until the client is officially released, and the collected bounty Bitcoin will be given away to one of two options: random users who download the app, or if you provide an email address of someone you would like to receive that 50% it will be used as an invitation email, and I will forward the bounty to your chosen user. No matter how much Bitcoin will be worth by then, so you can donate right now 1Ƀ worth $14.5 (at the time of writing these lines), and by the time the client released, you could be giving someone you care about a lot more than just $7.25 worth of bitcoins (one half of the total donation).
For those time capsule donations that are not assigned an email address random people will be getting $10 worth of Bitcoins when the client is released until all the bounty is released to the public.
Please make sure to send me an email
before making the donation to the time capsule with the address you will be using to send the coins. Use coderrr's bitcoin wallet to do so:
http://coderrr.wordpress.com/2011/06/30/patching-the-bitcoin-client-to-make-it-more-anonymous/My email address for this is:
[email protected] (the plus is there so I could easily tag the incoming messages, it's a valid email address)
An example of an integrated exchange. Safebit is looking for investments, contact me for details. Some info about the progress and future of the project regarding privacy and costs: Safebit (codename for the project, most likely will be changed latter on) is an open-source project. It doesn't mean it's under a do-what-ever-you-want-with-the-code license, and currently it's under
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license -
this license may change in the future. Eventually the client may be available under multiple licenses, for the time being I prefer to make sure I'm navigating it to the right direction.
In any case Safebit will not be ever used to spy on users or their spending behaviors - I consider this as a "private bank" and as such it will not transmit any data to any unauthorized source. That being said the client may ask users to help improving it by providing
anonymous usage statistics and will be used
only to improve the quality of the client and will not be sold or given away to any 3rd parties.
Safebit is more than just a Bitcoin WalletSome of you may already know that, but I have a lot of plans for Safebit. Apart from being a good looking and an easy to use Bitcoin wallet I hope that Safebit will become a
platform for anything related to Bitcoin. I'm currently looking for business partners like the
Bitcoin Economy Plugin to integrate inside the app.
I once said I want to create
The iPhone of Bitcoin, but this
iPhone will be free and open-source so you don't have to worry if your app will be accepted inside the future market-place.
I have my own ideas on what plugins could be developed around the wallet and I'm sure you're thinking about one or two right now, or at least you should, because I really believe that this
platform will bring in more users and developers to Bitcoin and will one of the growth engines of Bitcoin in the next couple of years with the most popular technologies out there today (Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS).
As always, I'm waiting to hear your comments and remarks, feel free to catch me on Google+ and by email and chat.
/UPDATEHello everyone, I want to introduce my new Bitcoin Wallet that I've been working on in the past couple of weeks, and hopefully find a developer or two who would like to contribute to the project.
I'll star by showing you a couple of mockups I've made last week that sprouted this project, and after that a small preview of the actual client.
The DashboardThe Send and Recieve
It's a little cluttered for now, I know, it will be fixed. You can get more details and also why I started this client on the post in the
Alternative Clients forum.
I've also made a
short video to preview the client and show some progress made so far on the
project blog - bitco.tumblr.com - It's just a minute long so it won't take much time
Please let me know what you think and what features you would like to see first.
Support the Project!If you like my work so far, you can support it:
- Spread the word!
Blog, Twitt, Like, Google+ and share this project any way you can! - Contribute to the Code!
The project is fully open source so you can check the code and pitch in some work. Right now I deseperatly need a knowledgeable Python developer to help me out with the back-end
- Donate!
If you'd like to see this project gets developed more quickly than you can help me fund it by donating a few coins to this address:
I hope to get the client in working order in the next few weeks, and after that I'll start working on implementation of custom features that I or you think are needed. Basically the priority of the features I'm going to work on is going to be decided by the donations - the top donation that will be given will decide what feature(s) will be worked for the next version. Let me know what you think of this kind of milestones for the project.
I value any and all input, so feel free to pitch in any idea that you have or feature that you'd like to see.