I just noticed you said that and I don't know where you did your numbers but acording to newegg the cheepest 6970 is $335(http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161356)
I checked on mining hardware comparison(https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Mining_hardware_comparison) the highest noted megahash for a 6970 is 423 while a 5850 on that same site is 392. A 5850 costs 161 while a 6970 is 335.
335/161 = 2.08
That means you can get two 5850's for the price of one 6970.
6970 megahash=423
5850 megahash=392*2=784
Then if you want to look at power consumption(https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsSwOT3E1XTGdGtpa1BQcmJLN2x6TG1MRmxzb29BeFE&hl=en_US&authkey=COWC8toK#gid=0)
A 6970 gets 1.472 megahash per jule while a 5850 gets 1.818.
So please do some research before you try and say statements such as that.
You realize the 5850 you linked isn't in stock right? So... not exactly a comparison with an instock card.
Not to mention you're linking ONE card that is labelled "5800". The usual run of the mill 5850 gets nowhere near 400MHash/sec, even on water that's hard. To say you can consistently get 380 out of 5850s would be a stretch.
The 5830s are available, and they're close to the top in terms of $/MHash, so if you're going to get a card, this would probably be it (though the power consumption is an issue of course). If you argue against getting a 5830 then you argue against getting any other card basically.