Do u have any mining performance for this card?
My 390x es get 31.5mh stock. Slight OC to 33.5 though. Better deal than Furys if u can get the 390x at under $400.
Thanks for adding data. I wonder whats wrong with the 380x then.
I guess i can offer 300$ shipped to Canada, then. Considering its brand new it will probably not feel like a good offer. But my offer is there in case, until i find something better. Cheers.
300$ very low.
I understand why you would say that, but you can get more hash rate for 150$-175$, so you can only put so much money toward getting the deluxe card before its pointless. People here are typically miners and do a bit of research before buying, so if you can't sell at miner's price range, you might have to go sell on Ebay or Amazon etc.
However there's not that much pressure for you to sell since your GPU won't devalue super quickly like ASIC does.
i dont sell it as miner i sellit as GPU .
Well you're on the Bitcoin forum, not Ebay
There are better GPU here at better prices. Even on Ebay. Can probably get a 7990 for the price you're asking.
For sure u get a 7990
for 350 $
Someone offered to sell me two, actually. They are used, but still, i just meant to say that people here will go for best performance for the price, which is why you have people posting in all your threads arguing your prices are bad. The problem is mostly because your stuff is from unknown provenance, second handed, and you're asking for retail price or even higher. Your flashy red trust doesnt help either.
You dont need to listen to them, nor to me though.
I just offered you a price and you said no. I went ahead and bought from retail instead, since it was cheaper.
Also, i don't think warranty is transferable? If so, as far as anyone here is concerned, your GPU's youre trying to sell are "used, like new" condition.