BTC is a winner, if you survive 1-3 years in biz, your a winner, btc is now 10 years old that is SURVIVAL big-time, BTC is already geriatric;
The saddest thing for me is that BTC instead of being private & secure, has become just another LOTTO for sheep, where lotto is a tax on stupid people, bitcoin is a tax on geeks.
BITCOIN was to be MINED, not bought, if you mined your costs were ZERO, if you bought, then you lost.
Speculation ALWAYS leads to gamblers RUIN, especially when you put in the entire pot.
Study 'kelley criterion', the guy wrote the book on investment calculus, F=2P-1, where P is the probabilty of the win, and F is the factor of how much you invest.
If you have a 50% chance of winning you invest zero, if you have 100% chance of a 90% loss like bitcoin, then you sell 10% of your NET-Worth. Unless you have a 100% chance of winning, you don't bet 100% of your net, in the case of BTC, most people went on credit-cards and bet their entire net-worth, with a 50/50 chance of loss,
The smartest move was to buy ZERO.
BITCOIN uses the same math, its in satoshi's paper the entire '51%' double-spending problem is based on the theory of enormous numbers invented in the 1700's. Only when 'sure thing' exceeds 50% do you 'invest', but even then, only a small fraction of your net-worth.
The entire BITCOIN scam is the class 'gamblers ruin', to the poor-house, wiping out all your wealth.
BITCOIN was meant to be MINED, not bought, when you mine bitcoin, you have a sure-thing, for a known cost ( investment ) you get a known return probability of 100%, but of course TODAY mining is NEGATIVE, that is it costs more in electricity than the value of BTC, so you don't mine, and you don't buy.
At what 'floor point' in BTC do you buy? Today we don't even see a floor in the current horizon, perhaps in a year or so, we can use mean-reversion, and predict a certain-profity percentage, and using kelly-criterion get an investment fraction, but today you would be better burning your money if your goal is total loss.
Today 'trading' bitcoin is flipping dice, and that is 50/50, and that's a game for retarded people.
Satoshi knew the score, his baby is based on this math, if your going to use BITCOIN, then use the math that goes along with bitcoin.