With so many trusted and established wallets like electrum, Jaxx, Tustwallet(for those who want to store multiple cryptos), mycelium etc
Why would someone go ahead and start using a lesser known shady wallet like Satowallet?
This really shows how very careless people are with their funds and such news makes cryptocurrencies look like something bad and it affects adoption so much. People start to think that crypto world is full of only scammers.
Kind of mindset that cant really be removed on ones mind specially to those who haven't known crypto yet.When reading up these kind of news then it will surely
be put up in mind the negative reputation of crypto and it isn't really that good.People who are usually get dragged down to these unknown or non popular wallets are to those
people who do only get or searching up on google or simply clicking up some banners or links without any further verification or research if the wallet is trustable or not.
They do only cry and learn later on when they already lost up some funds.If theres money rotating into this market there would be always exit scam like this as long people
never ever learn these wont reduce and repeat the same process all over again.