LOL fuck off with the world police shit already I don't need to pay more at the pump in Canada because some moron dissident was stupid enough to go into a dictators embassy.
US consume lots oil, Saudi Arabia sells lots of oil, US makes Arms, Saudi Arabia buys Arms. Hmm not hard to see that the only people that will end up being hurt by this is the poor sacks of shit like me at the pump... Any fucking sanctions aren't going to hurt anyone but "me".
Evil always spreads if good people don't step up and oppose it.
Today's it's an embassy.
Tomorrow it could be a small and week third party country during a vacation.
The day after that it might be you in your home if you happen to anger the wrong foreign billionaire.
We don't need to be the world's policeman but we create the world we want with our actions. This necessitates a firm response of some kind that demonstrates our disapproval.
An appropriate response not an overreaction is needed. Something to demonstrate disapproval and change behavior not cause a world crisis. I trust President Trump to figure out what that response is.