Sincerely the concept of savings has made some persons poor,but many won't realize the fact that saving don't make the difference but investing does.
Am not saying saving isn't good, but my point is saving doesn't make one wealthy, the worst advice we recieve is 'save for tomorrow' but only few lay emphasis on the need to 'invest for tomorrow'.
So I would greatly say we invest some of our profits from bitcoin in to other stuff, than just holding it or using it for pleasure. The rare truth is how we believe bitcoin can change the game, so other systems are developing so we shouldn't be blindfolded.
Invest because savings doesn't increase or builds, investing is what gives you the life you want.
Let discuss this guys..
No matter how many bitcoin you hold you can still misuse the money, so we should understand the concept of Richness and Wealth.
I mean I get your point here, for sure saving and investing and different, also investing is much better than saving because investing is something like buying an asset that could potentially give you some kind of return like for example you buy or build an apartment which could be a passive investment because after you invest on that money it could probably give you consistent high return because of the possible payment of the rent but the thing is it could potentially generate you money.
Then saving is just gathering your money like for example in a bank, it could probably be your salary or every time you get the money you're going to get a small percentage of that put in the bank until you save a huge amount of money, potentially will get a very low interest since it's saved on the bank. So it's understandable if people who'd think that saving is not going to make you wealthy or rich, but still it's going to be an important thing to have, since having liquid money or savings that you could easily use is a convenient thing to have.
We could situate it to its own risk because like for example we have investments like Bitcoin or cryptocurrency that could probably be a good thing overall compared to savings but it has a drawback because of its risk, is investment a guaranteed profit? not really right, We could say that it is an even better thing to do but after a few years if Bitcoin does not exist anymore can you still say that investing in Bitcoin is better than saving?
The thing here is Saving is important we could just call it a foundation, it's not going to be wise to just invest in something without having some kind of savings as a backup plan, and then we have investments or assets that is going to generate our income it could be investing in Bitcoin or could be a business.