The hackers will try to evaluate the amount of your funds first and they will compare it to the cost for them to try to break your passphrase... and it's huge!
The majority of users don't use a passphrase, and of those who do, the majority likely use something that is easy to remember that they have come up with themslves, meaning it is neither long nor random.
Studies show that the average password
has only 40.5 bits of entropy. The 6 lines on the table you've shared correspond to roughly 51, 54, 57, 61, 64 and 67 bits of entropy respectively. It's not clear how they have calculated their "attack costs", but since we can see that for each increment of 3 bits of entropy results in a 10 fold increase in attack cost, we can work backwards and see that a 40.5 bit entropy passphrase would only require around $1,000 to break.
Think of the millions, if not billions of online accounts, emails, cloud servers, etc. that have been hacked. It is exponentially more common than a house being broken in to. Furthermore, someone can hack your email and steal your seed without you even knowing about, so you wouldn't even know to transfer your coins out while they are busy brute forcing your passphrase.
Storing your seed online is dangerous.