Zionism is good
-snipping obvious trolling-
It might be good for some but it doesn't change the fact that it's immoral. One group usurping themself a total power over another people, justifying it with allegorical scripture and it's elaboration that is Babylonian Talmud, compiled about 600 years
after Christ. Supremacy based on religion is nothing different from same, based on pseudo-science that is eugenics or neo-Darwinism, superiority. Usurpation of power can not be justified logically nor on moral basis, that's why this idea will fall miserably, dragging along another millions of innocents. Supporting such macabre set of racist and discriminatory ideals, makes you an accomplice to possible genocide, that talmud is clearly preaching.
I don't own and I'm not planing to own any bank account, any card and any official zio-bank app.
I don't care about modern, unlimited and highly controlled fiats schemes, cashless society nonsense and those so called improvements, that only serve as a another tool of global enslavement and control.
If you have found something that could point out on how and where, I'm contradicting my self, please quote it and prove my inconsistency. Note, only a rock doesn't change it's views. FYI Jones is an Israeli shill... possibly so are you.
Ad-hominem attack only proved how little to add to this discussion you have, and how weak your arguments are.