you'll be made out the fool as the weeks/months/years go on and everyone else is jumping onboard whilst you sit there on your "I still think it's a scam" pedestal.
CoinHunter, you have a severe case of delusion of grandeur...
You just ruined the SolidCoin economy by letting inflation run berserk.
You did in the span of two days more damage than any central bank ever managed to do in years.
It is time to awake : you have lost your entire fan base.
You can now count your supporter on the fingers of two hands : nine, the people who got a trusted account.
It's now that people who trusted you are going to decide if your failure is due to incompetence or betrayal.
Please take responsibility asap and dare to stop this masquerade.
If you shutdown your amoeba, and turn over the sourcecode to the community, there is still a hope to reboot the coin and save the assets of people who invested in it.