If you need an exchange for P2P, Bitget is the worst one that you can go to. Do not be lured with high price. If you are looking for a better centralized P2P exchange, there is one that remains among the common ones that I have told you people before but I will no more mention it because I do not know who is reading this post right now but I believe you people will easily understand.
I have not seen a scam centralized crypto P2P like Bitget. It is the worst that I have tested so far. I intentionally moved $30 worth of coins from Bybit to test how P2P is on Bitget because I have not used it before. I like experimenting. I could have exchanged it around ₦1450 which amounts to ₦43500, but I was paid ₦37500. That is ₦6000 scam.
What happenedThe ads are easily changing after you clicked on it. These are examples:
I can not be so stupid to go for that low prices but there was an ads that it did not warn me but sold at ₦1250. The ads was at ₦1500 when I clicked on it as I was going from higher rates to lower rates, but no warning than the order has been created. Before I know, the buyer has sent me the money and I lost ₦6000.
If not because of that, I wanted to try ₦1450 and slightly lower prices but the coin I was using for the testing has been sold for naira in a way that I do not like. I got no coins there again. But I think even other ads will be like that. Bitget is a scam centralized exchange for P2P. Tell people to avoid the exchange. It is full of scammers if it is crypto/naira P2P.