The person or persons who have posted these (if you do a search you will find several of the same posts on this forum under different usernames) is a troll who is on a smear campaign spreading false information. Please go visit his Facebook page and look at how many complaints have been made against them. More than that, they obviously hired several people or used to bots to artificially inflate their Facebook rank from 1 (just a few days ago) to 4, with many users from Pakistan and India posting the same message "I highly recommend to all" VERBATIM. These messages have now been removed, but this person or persons is extremely deceptive and seems to be riding a wave of publicity for their own ends. They fabricated such much info, such as the lie that Karatbars committed a felony for not having been registered in Miami Florida as a cryptobank. IN FACT, if you read the Karatbars WhitePaper, this cryptobank is expected to open late July 2019 and is currently in the process of being licensed. Please read the Karatbars Whitepaper for evidence of this.
Are you kidding me? Fuck off with your bullshit and newbie account. This is a scam until proven otherwise, and any appearance of Karabats should be tagged and flagged. The project is worse than the
ThoreCoin scam.
This person is extremely disengenous and deceptive, I highly advise anybody reading this to do due diligence. Karatbars is an honorable company, and it is a shame that people like him can seek to tanish all the hard and sincere work that legitimate companies like Karatbars have been doing. This person is playing is fire, as they have been reported and the German authorities are looking into this.
Yes, the best defence for a legitimate company is to threaten "this person" (I'm assuming you're referring to me). A "bank that will be" registered in Miami Florida, reporting me in Germany, neither places which have anything to do with me.
I guess you want more nice PR for this scam.
Pulling this in from another thread:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=trust;flag=487https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=trust;flag=488https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=trust;flag=489Two of the three accounts are fraudulent, or the company purely consists of idiots that can't remember 1 password.