OP, just curious: How did you happen to stumble upon this site? They obviously don't advertise on the forum, so did you search for a QR code generator or something? Seems like that would be something a lot of people might do who aren't aware of how many scammers there are in the bitcoin space, and it'd be a shame if this particular site came up on the first page of results.
Better me, the person who is working hard and can make something back in future than complete bitcoin newbie that will end with bitcoin and tell everybody all he has been scammed, so they wont start at all...
That is true
They can hide ownership
It's pitty there is not some Bitcoin/crypto focused scam list
Or is there?
Or it may be good idea for somebody to start
I think this community could be strong enough to stop scams and to support good projects
But still there is this "human shit stuff"
- If there is good project, for somebody there is no need to support it if it works for them
- If there is scam, for somebody there is no need to help destroy it unless they are scammed