Exactly what evidence is there of me scamming?
I have bought a negative-repped account. I have not scammed.
For anybody who has openly (or in PM too) questioned me about purchasing accounts, I have never hid anything.
I'm not even active on my purchased accounts anymore.
All I ask, is for you to consider the evidence against me (which doesn't even exist) and consider removing your negative trust.
Also, like some other users have done, feel free to give me some neutral trust as a comment, noting that I am the owner of multiple accounts.
Again, I have always been open about the accounts that I own.
Thank you.
you have openly asked members to remove negative trust on your purchased accounts and questioned if they have proof of the scams. imagine how that feels to someone who has lost significant amounts of money to the accounts you have purchased.
I did that on the first account I purchased, not entirely realizing the consequences. The negative trust was indeed removed, because it was on a personal basis and not because of a scammer.
After realizing that I shouldn't do that when the negative trust rolled in, I haven't done that again.
But then, I'm not asking to remove the negative trust on my purchased account. Just this account.
I'm not even questioning the scams on those accounts. I never have asked for proof of those scams.
I only ask for proof of MY scams, because I never have, yet I am accused of being a scammer because I purchased accounts and asked the wrong questions.
For that, I apologize to those who were scammed by the accounts' previous owners. But labelling me as a scammer, please reconsider that.