Just to point out that he's now banned from the Development & Technical Discussion subforum, so it's not worth getting into a huge back-and-forth with him around technical matters, as tempting as it might be. He's clearly not interested in an honest debate. Also, this topic isn't about the pros and cons of UASF, so let's keep it to discussion of Schnorr and Taproot.
Haha. I'll try.
I like annoying him, and causing him to make all those long techno-babbly posts. Plus newbies should always know the truth after each lie.
The point of these upgrades is to improve the network's latency, with the current block size that Bitcoin already has.
take a look at the topic creators first post, the image more specifically what word is marked as 1.
oh look
so what is that misleading word that the graphic is implying that these innovations improve the most
no need to answer as its a rhetorical question as people can already see it for themselves
have a nice day. just dont be one of those people that try putting the word scaling into the same sentance of schnorr benefits. try using prevent descaling if you atleast want to be honest about the benefits
oh and one last thing..
the UASF you speak of is actually just a translation of 'if you dont like it F**k off and go play with an altcoin'
** = both UC and OR
UASF is not a new voting mechanism to activate new features. its an aparthied/community segregation technique. basically like 'if your not white and you dont like being told what seat on the bus to sit on, get off the bus, your not wanted'.
core do not care for community participation. they literally bypass community need to agree to new features before activation. by letting their nodes bypass the verification so that nodes cant reject the new stuff
Cannot agree more - btc kinda sold out.
Good: Bitcoin was and is not bound to a ticker. Let them hodl a ticker - Satoshi hodl the protocol
The ticker? If Bitcoin Cash SV was given the BTC ticker, it would become "Bitcoin"?
Was Bitcoin NOT Bitcoin before it got a ticker ?
BTW First ticker I remember was just BC.
so - utterly nonsense to try define Bitcoin by a poor ticker.
Where is it defined ? From the very start ?
Correct! Kraken calls Bitcoin "XBT", and other exchanges could start to call it "BC", give Bitcoin Cash SV the "BTC" ticker, and SV STILL would not be Bitcoin.
we agree: for you