You wot mate? Minimum 100% recovery? And I'm guessing you're not a neuroscientist?
lol, whoops. I originally had a figure somewhere in the 85-95% range before I just said fuck it and put 100% with the caveat of "wild speculation" after reading the latest news on him. I'm an amateur neuroscientist. Here's another thing, I'm thinking that he'll wake up in the next 5 days if he doesn't stroke out or something. If the situation looked less than optimal you can bet the latest surgical outcomes wouldn't be reported to the media while the man is still unconscious.
Helmet on, no skull fracture reported, hematoma itself removed as is its associated pressure on the brain, medically-induced coma, once in a generation genius brain, the best medical expertise $ can buy...I think the odds are in his favor.
You seem to be making a lot of wild assumptions here based on nothing but media coverage. Not exactly sure about "once in a generation genius brain" either .