I recently received this question by email:
"Dear Ladyb,
I came across some African people recently in my travel, and they seemed very dimwitted. Are these people naturally dumber than those from other geographic locations? I would like your amazing science answer.
Well Rose, I have researched your question, and the following is what I have found.
This chart shows us a graphical representation of indigenous people by location:
https://www.pc-freak.net/images/IQ_world_rank_by_country_world_distribution_of_intelligence.JPGAs you can see, a large part of Africa has an average IQ of 67. Now, let's look at a table showing us the scientific terminology:
IQ Range Classification
70-80 Borderline deficiency
50-69 Moron
20-49 Imbecile
below 20 Idiot
IQ Range
140 and over Genius or near genius
120-140 Very superior intelligence
110-120 Superior intelligence
90-110 Normal or average intelligence
80-90 Dullness
70-80 Borderline deficiency
Below 70 Definite feeble-mindedness
And we are able to determine that our average African is feeble-minded or a Moron.
Therefore the answer to Rose's question is yes.
Ladyb, Expert Researcher
Amazing Science Answers
Feel free to pm me with any science questions you may have.