I hope you will answer some questions regarding the action plan (
1. How does deposit and withdraw of USD & EUR work in a target market of more than 266,000.000 people who are used to dealing in cash, and with few banks per capita?
Option 1 - USDt, Option 2 - USD and EUR on Waves platform.
Option 3 - european services. e.g. Wavecrest
2. This may be a blunt question, but as a potential investor I would like to know why the 70% of people who don't trust banks would trust Kuna instead?
We do not position ourselves as bank or facility to hold private keys with us. We provide service of easy conversion of Fiat to crypto and in the later term fiat-crypto-fiat.
3. Can you explain how an underground economy of up to 60% of the GDP is an opportunity for Kuna?
To start with shadow economy does not equal illegal. This segment is usually composed of small businesses and private entrepreneurs. They need mobility and speed. Crypto works 24/7/365 and its getting easier every day. We want to provide banking services to the unbanked.
4. Will Monero be added to Kuna trading pairs?
If there will be demand - why not
The only concern - we do not want to create pairs with no liquidity.
5. Can you provide more detailed information about the plan to implement "Cryptomats", and explain how they will function on a practical level?
Video in english will come in the near future.
We have one in russian for now -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kh-vJYLf_0A6. What is required to qualify for VISA / Mastercard “BTC-To-Fiat” debit cards?
Same as the rest of the players now. 90% we will use wavecrests services i.e mychoice cards.
http://www.wavecrest.gi/7. Will Kuna maintain 1/1 cash reserves to back the CryptoHryvnia, and will there be independent audits to prove solvency?
Public nodes + independent audit + its only alpha but we are looking at different solutions. Public alpha will be available on the evening of 25th July.
8. How long will KUN tokens recieve dividends, and do the tokens impart any ownership or voting rights in the company?
Just the dividends. No point in voting rights as 70% is controlled by the founder. But as practice shows, our founder is always open to ideas and suggestions of current KUN holders. To start with - dividents will be distributed manually to the holders of the KUN tokens on the day of distribution. Later we will implement smart contracts.