Even legal marijuana dispensaries without armed security are getting robbed.
No amount of financial disincentive has ever stopped addicts, only their free will, or their deaths.
Here's the way it works.
1. Government requires vaccination of little kids and babies.
2. The children get ADD and ADHD and autism, etc., from the vaccines.
3. The kids are placed on all kinds of drugs, like Ritalin, especially in school.
4. These drugs are habit forming worse than cocaine.
5. When the kids get out of high school (if not sooner), government stops supplying the drugs.
6. The kids have to supplement their government and medical induced habit.
7. Government makes more money off people that they make sick from early childhood than anything else... through fines and prison and covertly supplying the drugs.
While smoking is not quite like cocaine/Ritalin, it is induced in kids in subtle ways through the things that they have to go through in school, and through lack of health brought about by eating processed foods. Kids feel that they need cigarettes and alcohol to make up for something that they are missing in their health. Then the smoking and alcohol make things worse.