Price has to be in the ball park of $150 per Mhash for it to have any sensible ROI
Here is my math:
10Mh unit = $1500
Dustcoin return on LTC 1 month at current diff = $605
2.5 months to break even without POWER (1500W @ 0.9kWh $98.62 per month) NOT counting Difficulty changes .
So if price is $150 per Mhash realistically we are looking at a 4 month return at best and this time frame in such uncertain venture seems crazy.
All FPGA miners would basically have to agree not to sell a single LTC for 6 months along with all sales of machines to be done in LTC, which you will also hold for 6 months prior to dumping, in order to corner the market and artificially balloon prices to a more sensible level. Which can be done in theory, if coordinated, but risk is still quite high. Ideally price would be at $100/Mhash which will cause a natural price influx and unbelievable sales for you guys, question is can you get your manufacturer costs to this level and stay profitable ... time will tell.
One solution would be for you to hold 15-25% of the equipment and mine it until the break even point is reached, then and only then release 2nd batch.
Please for god sakes dont be BFL i beg you!
If your price point is higher, then it would make more sense to buy and hold LTC / NVC and let newbs repeat same mistakes, while comfortably see diff rise and cash in on experience as we all know some one will def buy these no matter what you sell them for...