Option #1: Needs medical attention
Option #2: Shill
Option #3: Pathological liar
Option #4: Cunt
Option #5: Admin himself
Yep. I think you got it. I also think it's worth considering that it could be multiple items from the list. I could see a 1-3-4 combo easily.
"All of the above" works too.
I dont know what is real money for you, but everybody who joined scc and didnt do stupid things/like clicking for free KHS, or selling KHS for lower prize then he bought because of panic, etc../ , did nice profit.
Bullshit. I did some math recently. There was a relatively short period between maybe December and the "farm move" episode when you could potentially "ROI". Anybody claiming otherwise is either lying or made their money "trading" (although most likely lying too). Anybody who bought in last March-April at 0.015 BTC per KH/s lost 90%+ even with full "reinvestment". Anybody who "invested" shortly before the "farm move" never had a chance to sell for a higher price.
So who's "everybody" again?
"0.015 BTC per KH/s" - here is mistake in your math, and dont say bullshit to me, I never said anything which is not true. So again, anybody who bought in march-april /sooner/ could wait two moth and withdraw same BTC as he invested + he can sell his KHS in current price as a profit. /for examlple me/ Yes, there was "electricity" and "hack" problems, and one can be very stupid to believe that things are exactly like "admin" said, BUT most people who lose here, they was hacked or they falled in panic and sell very low /to "escape while they can" which is a stupidiest thing to do with your investment/ , or maybe few of them was just very unlucky. But even now, site is still profitable. But me personaly will not send anything more to scc and absolutely not recomending to anybody. /I also never did it before, when I trusted the site/
Sorry, missed a zero there. 0.0015 per KH/s. March 2014. The math is correct though. No chance of ROI of any kind from that point, no matter how long you wait or when you sell it. Only towards the end of 2014 scrypt.cc switched to LTCGear-style ponzi - super cheap "hashpower" and < 100 day ROI. That only worked for a very narrow range of "investors", who just happen to be in this thread now, what a coincidence.
And yes, you did say something that is not true. "Everyone" is not true.
Most of you ponzi police have no clue on how the site works.
SCC's not a place where you buy KHS and let it sit.
You have to work it, selling on crashes, rebuying lower, sometimes reinvesting.
All of this brings your average buy in down.
When prices were around ~0.00001300 my average buy in was ~0.00000600.
I was not hurt when it crashed, I actually profited more.
There's a lot of people that have made a load of money here, and a lot continue to do so.
If some of you spent the amount of time you spend here on trying to make some cash.
You wouldn't be the broke envious bastards you are.
When you "work it, selling on crashes, rebuying lower, sometimes reinvesting", who is funding your profit? Admin out of his pocket? Mining revenue?
And is it "tomorrow" yet? How about them TX ids and signatures?