For folk playing along at home, here's fun:
1. Open up and search for that address (1Bidh2XFr9JzfXppeZd2cPKpbnJGvqCY4h).
2. Scroll to the bottom, and click on "X more transactions to show". Click it until you get to before yesterday (I went back to the 26th September).
3. Search within the webpage ("Ctrl F" or "Cmd F" in most browsers) for ".0390".
4. Marvel at the complete lack of results.
5. Take a smell. What's that smell?
To be fair, even ThorSWO's screenshot says "In Queue", not "successfully withdrawn" of whatever. ThorSWO, are you maybe confused between requesting a withdraw (and it being placed in a queue) and an actual withdrawal, one you actually receive?
Troll fail.
Oh? Care to walk us through my list, show us where I got it wrong? My guess is "no, ThorSWO would prefer not to". Prove me wrong, sir, prove me wrong. Or throw out random insults like "troll" and hope no one's bothering to pay too much attention. It might work?
Sorry, but this time the Scammer Partner ThorSWO has right
It is not "ThorSWO's screenshot says "In Queue". It is my screenshot.
Read attentively and then think
ThorSWO, my apologies. I'd still be very interested in proof of your claimed withdrawals - a bitcoin address with thousands of transactions is no proof at all, and you know that already. I'm still calling bullshit on all your withdrawal claims - the smell of "shite" is just too strong.
ddalex, thanks for letting me know!