LongAndShort, take it easy and be more polite in this thread please
No way, i've had it up to my eyeballs in this shit! Give me one good reason why i should be polite to these birdbrains!?
"Idiot!!" "And you wonder why no one takes you seriously" "So fuck off, i don't give a flying fuck what you and your dim wit friends think" "Ridiculous how stupid you people are" Or do you think this words are normal in discussions?
Take it easy man. You are spotting all face of SDC community by these impolite phrases.
I don't have to explain myself to anyone let alone you or that scumbag but if i must. I'm done being polite to these kids, their favored projects and supported devs are questionable. xst, floating a speculative asset (stealthsend) the dev wasn't even citing the relevant or newest paper on the topic. He self confessed that he hadn't even researched any of it.. Yet he floated it as a speculative asset all the same.
No one was asking the hard questions like "This guy does not even have the skillset to achieve this why would he be able to in a month!?" I gave plenty of evidence and asked my questions. I was met with a noob bashing of a lifetime from their community, including this moonchaser who then decided it was fair to start making up lies about me (self confessed ill show you if you want me to!)
I stayed because this happens too much and its pushing mainstream adoption away from this entire space including talented devs!. I was thanked by the dev because i actually helped him!!!
Dan from xc was not cohesively answering the questions he was being asked. I made a thread and asked 8 questions that he answered and that was that! Yet here i am still being abused and yet again, Shadow being blamed for "fud and trolling" Something i'm not responsible for but pookie and some others are, certainly not Shadow!
I've had enough of this bullshit. Their supported projects and friends are holding premines, pushing vaporware, and asking people to trust them. In any legal world they would be in jail..every single one of them but this is not a legal world so they are here and we (crypto enthusiast) are the ones that have to deal with it. If you are not the ones helping to keep these scumbags honest and in line then you are the ones contributing to their shams and scams and censoring the ones asking the questions! I challenge you to consider that!
Shadow does not have any of this crap it isn't hyping begging people to buy. Its thread is not full of price speculation and kids saying "moon" It also isn't overstating something it cannot achieve. So they have nothing but this garbage to use against it. They are angry at their bad choices, they tied up money in questionable and weak projects based on a pump it received. They were scammed and taken for a ride by their own actions and the only people they can blame is me and the others who are trying to keep devs honest in this space. The ones who bring a magnifying glass to their claims. The only way they figure to get at me and some of them is via Shadow.
They are bringing it to Shadow So you can allow this and be polite to people who don't give much of a thought to integrity and who don't give respect to people "helping" them and who will use anything and everything they can against it. You can do this all you want but I've had enough, i've even had most of the Shadow crowd using me as a scape goat.. I haven't done anything wrong, i've done and said everything i have for the right reasons. I don't need to explain to anyone or apologise for the way i treat or talk to people who have just made it their job to lie cheat and defame.
The stupid thing is they have no gain AT ALL. Thats why i have little respect for their meager existence here and in the world. I made a choice not to put up with it, i knew i would cop heat but this is stupid. I wont put up with it here or anywhere anymore, it is the act of adolescent nerds in an industry way out of their league. This is not a game, this is our future and i wont let some shit head scammer ruin it, censor me and call my efforts "fud" and "trolling" I wont let them continue to get away with this bullshit by being "polite" to the son of a bitch.
I am me, i am not filtered at all, you either accept that or you don't. Deal with it or stfu because i'm not working towards scamming people and sweeping the filth under the rug like most of these clowns! If you want to let my use of words get in the way of the point then so be it but don't expect me to be polite. Lets see how you are reacting after you try to do good things and get treated like an asshole from not only the shitstains in crypto but the people around you who are nice to you face one day then stabbing you in the back the next due to money! You can bet your ass you will be whistling a different tune then!
You seem to have very little faith if you believe a few passionate discussions can "spot" the face of Shadow. I challenge you to go look at what a few words can do to weak projects and look at what Shadow has already copped and tell me they look the same! You project wasn't that strong to begin with if a few people asking the hard questions can bring it down! I believe to much effrontery and baggage from the outdated and tyrannous world is brought and applied to crypto, i don't have to stand for it and cant wait for the day when its hissed down by the entire crypto community instead of just the rare few, long time supporters!! What i say and do does not and should not effect Shadow.. I mean thats the dumest thing i've ever heard of. There is a lot of people out there blaming Shadow and its community for all this rubbish. I'ts still dragging on out there and most are just allowing it and sweeping it under the rug as though its going to disappear..