Things you don't want to touch in China are "killing people, hard drugs, guns, bad mouthing the CCP". Besides these, you'd be fine doing anything else, and can buy your way out of any trouble with money. in China, child labor, prostitution, drinking/smoking is rampant and ignored by officials.
Chinese netizens that are interested in the internet outside of China, are already very good at climbing out the Great Firewall. Most of the Chinese netizens do not care about GFW, because they do not read English, so the vast majority of the sites that matter to them are inside the GFW.
Yeah, I've long thought about the better-mice principle coming out of having built a standard mousetrap (i.e. make a Great Firewall and the best thinkers will overcome it and still do their thing.)
Anyone out there know if whatever version of China's Ministry of Culture (I'm not familiar with the proper agency name) has had anything to say about bitcoins recently?
There was a recent announcement about using virtual currencies to purchase tangible items - though the Chinese people tend to ignore any government announcement and just immediately take advantage of any obvious loop hole (ie just send someone cash for their virtual currency) - most people in China don't even pay tax becasue there are so many loopholes in the system. The irony is that if you don't piss off the politicians by doing something political, the Chinese are the economically freest people in the world (I know people in China who literally own a mountain, and they've never paid a penny of tax on their income).