I await your contact with a help.
Below transactions.
Thank you for your kind support and return.
1JTF1QpJ6yNhtF6fRUEM14x6AxBL8F9TyE(secondstrade.com BTCUSD DOWN)
Today 18:39:22 8 Confirmations -0.3001 BTC
18bsT6FEXbfgT18Ask3gV2BTEq6k8GeUdx(secondstrade.com BTCUSD UP)
Today 18:38:21 9 Confirmations -0.5001 BTC
1JTF1QpJ6yNhtF6fRUEM14x6AxBL8F9TyE(secondstrade.com BTCUSD DOWN)
Today 18:37:39 9 Confirmations -0.4001 BTC
hi? there is no transaction that equal both time and btc amount on the https://blockchain.info/address/1JTF1QpJ6yNhtF6fRUEM14x6AxBL8F9TyE and https://blockchain.info/address/18bsT6FEXbfgT18Ask3gV2BTEq6k8GeUdx.
but i think your address is 1KM8Aj3RZM51CqnPpvFrSY1ECe2hnAgmki ?
and your transaction id are below.
a15ebc89a3d51d2bafceaa5b03b8d7df77474cc855d6483e44022d0a88635c33 => 0.3btc
=> this transaction is lose. you can see it on the http://www.secondstrade.com/tx.jsp?tx=a15ebc89a3d51d2bafceaa5b03b8d7df77474cc855d6483e44022d0a88635c33
f09867d470169235fd1ded3368f465d202275c30c3d542833f455179f9df82d3 ==> 0.5btc
5b7fd9a59dec6eb604918399ec2d3f90fffb259cf0ab5fbc59a79ad762f51d00 => 0.4 btc.
=> our maximum bet amount is 0.3 btc. these bets are invalid .
so we will refund you 0.9 btc.
thank you.