OK, so lets all the folks who installed Open Sourced software software, such as this forum, be hacked because "it didn't worked properly" (mind to explain where? With something-no-one-uses SQL? Because with MySQL it did).
That's like you saying that my Yale key is not "secure enough" so you take it away leaving the front door open. Nice one!
Well... it's "Open source" so I guess you get what you paid for, isn't it?
And it's not MY SCRIPT, it's MOST of widely available webscripts around.
Well, then bring your complain to the attention of those writing buggy software so they fix it. magic_quotes_gpc are deprecated since 5.3, so they pretty much have to fix their code.
I don't really cry many tears when people get burned by relying on something which they think offers security. It's one of the most important rules to never ever trust user input. Always validate it and don't rely on some fairy magic that promises to do that for you. Of course it's not sweet for the users of that software, but it's in their power to put pressure on the developers to get it fixed.
The official statements:
http://www.php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.phpThis feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged. (...) It's preferred to code with magic quotes off and to instead escape the data at runtime, as needed.
Btw, the second comment sums it up (pretty blunt, but true).
Why it's not perfect:
http://phpsec.org/projects/phpsecinfo/tests/magic_quotes_gpc.htmlUnfortunately this protection isn't perfect: there are a series of other characters that databases interpret as special not covered by this function. In addition, data not sent direct to databases must un-escaped before it can be used.
Example exploits even though you are "protected":
http://css.dzone.com/news/hardening-php-magicquotesgpcThe fundamental problem with magic_quotes_gpc is that they know nothing about the context. They don't know if you're using the data to insert it into MySQL, Oracle, or if you're writing to a file. Maybe you're sending it through SOAP or displaying it in HTML? Or maybe all of it. They just don't have enough information, only you know it. Escaping values depends on a context in which they are used.
As for more, I'm sure you know how to use Google.