Are your posts supposed to be regularly corrected if someone who hires you doesn't like something? Since I believe that all articles should be written perfectly, initially.
And also, if you do not know, then the forum rules prohibit spamming the placement of referral links. I advise you to take a look. Forum rules
This is rule number four, it reads as follows. No referral code (ref link) spam.
it doesn't say no referral codes or no referral links it says "No referral code (ref link) spam." The key Operating word here is spam, I'm not spamming because I only posted my code on one post that I created one time.
Now rule number 32
Other than that, you don't listen to advice. I read the topics that you regularly create, and you are already reducing the cost of work.
But since you're asking if I've read other people's reviews of your "creativity", then this post, and a few below, is enough to understand why no one hires you.
If you want to be writing article, you need to have a fascinating opening post that will contain your profession, the type of article you are skilled at writing, the amount you want to be charging, the amount you want to charge may not first necessary.
Lastly, if you have some articles you have written before, you can indicate in the OP that you can provide them some articles work you have written before for them to chec how good you are.
But keep being rude instead of thinking about how to make things better.
Good luck.