Thanks, SFR10. It's listed clearly in the thread you shared. Given that the thread is a year old, there's no way I would have found it on my own to know that this is something explicitly seen as bad form.
We've discussed this to my satisfaction. I'm going to lock this down.
I just want everyone to know that despite the words I used, I was not trying to buy positive trust. I was only trying to earn trust equal to the experience any person received from me. I recognize now that earning trust here is a bit different than how I originally interpreted. It's not like feedback on eBay.
The Moderators on this forum have to deal with a lot of BS from people engaging in activity that doesn't help the forum. I appreciate your time to answer my questions. Please know that I'm one of the members trying to add to the forum (rather than take from it.) And I'll demonstrate it with my actions and build a reputation to represent that end.