That is just dumb and doesn't really make any sense at all.
Be civil ?
What YOU may consider civil others may not.. it is a bit subjective and depends on the situation etc.
When it's not subjective it would fall under "personal" Insults, fighting trolling, flaming etc (ACTUAL RULES)
Some of these need to be thought out better.
Now you disagreed with me on this point and you expressed your opinion in a nice manner, but it could also have been like, "listen ass brain, "be civil" this rule doesn't makes and fucking sense you MORON" , now this wouldn't have looked too good, would it? And if many people started doing this then it would become a problem. I personally don't have any problems people swearing or calling each other names, but I just think this being THE bitcoin forum, visited by the people from all over the world would not look professional if this becomes a norm.
and dishing out trade advice ?
Seen any new accounts here posting retarded "buy ethereum" comments lately ?
it's and i quote.. "being used by Microsoft & IBM" so.. buy buy buy it will go to $100 a coin later Roll Eyes
This I do consider to be wrong, there's another thread on this subject "Paid to Post: is it acceptable?" is the title of it and I was thinking of adding about it in the OP but I am lost as to what should it be? There's no way to know whether someone saying something about a coin or a service is actually giving their opinion or being paid to post someone else's opinion.