So BU is the answer? where only a big mining farm owning almost half the hash power wants to increase the block size as long as there are transactions in the mempool, but would they just and only change the blocksize without changing anything else?
pool can only make something the nodes will accept..
it might help if you understood dynamics... so here goes
imagine a case where there were 2 limits.(4 overal 2 for nodes 2 for pools)
hard technical limit that everyone agree's on. and below that a preference limit (adjustable to demand of dynamics).
now imagine
we call the hard technical limit (like old consensus.h) that only moves when the NETWORK as a whole has done speed tests to say what is technically possible and come to a consensus.
EG 8mb has been seen as acceptable today by all speed tests.
the entire network agrees to stay below this, pools and nodes
as a safety measure its split up as 4mb for next 2 years then 8mb 2 years after that..
thus allowing for upto 2-4 years to tweak and make things leaner and more efficient and allow time for real world tech to enhance.
(fibre obtic internet adoption and 5G mobile internet) before stepping forward the consensus.h again
then the preferential limit(further safety measure) that is adjustable and dynamic (policy.h) and keeps pools and nodes inline in a more fluid temporary adjustable agreement. to stop things moving too fast. but fluid if demand occurs
now then, nodes can flag the policy.h whereby if the majority of nodes preferences are at 2mb. pools consensus.h only goes to 1.999
however if under 5-25% of nodes are at 2mb and over 75% of nodes are above 2mb. then POOLS can decide on the orphan risk of raising their pools consensus.h above 2mb but below the
majority node policy
also note: pools actual block making is below their(pools) consensus.h
lets make it easier to imagine.. with a picture
black line.. consensus.h. whole network RULE. changed by speed tests and real world tech / internet growth over time (the ultimate consensus)
red line.. node policy.h. node dynamic preference agreement. changed by dynamics or personal preference
purple line.. pools consensus.H. below network RULE. but affected by mempool demand vs nodes overall preference policy.h vs (orphan)risk
orange line.. pools policy.h below pools consensus.h
so imagine
32mb too much, lets go for 1mb2015
pools are moving thier limit up from 0.75mb to 0.999mbmid 2017
everyone agree's 2 years of 4mb network capability (then 2 years of 8mb network capability)everyone agree's to 2mb preferencepools agree their max capability will be below everyones network capability but steps up due to demand and node preference MAJORITYpools preference(actual blocks built). below other limits but can affect the node minority to shift(EB)mid 2019
everyone agree's 2 years of 8mb network capability then 2 years of 16mb network capabilitysome move preference to 4mb, some move under 3mb some dont movelate 2019
MINORITY of nodes have their preference shifted by dynamics of (EB)2020
MINORITY nodes manually change their preference to not be controlled by dynamics of (EB)late 2020
MINORITY of nodes have their preference shifted by dynamics of (EB)2021
MINORITY nodes manually change their preference to not be controlled by dynamics of (EB)mid 2021
a decision is made whereby nodes preference and pools preference are safe to control blocks at X% scaling per difficulty adjustment periodpools preference(actual blocks built). below other limits but can shift the MINORITY nodes preference via (EB) should they lag behindp.s
its just a brainfart. no point knit picking the numbers or dates. just read the concept. i even made a picture to keep peoples attention span entertained.
and remember all of these 'dynamic' fluid agreements are all extra safety limits BELOW the black network consensus limit